Hence features like zed-teleporting, unrepairable doors past a certain damage threshold, auto rotate on clot grab, zed resistances etc. The whole EA period has been a bizarre carousel of Tripwire failing to understand what made KF1 good, actively taking steps to change things for the worse in KF2 and then resorting to more KF1-like mechanics when everyone who isn't a shill complains. It gets very boring always being the guy running around spamming healing darts at that fucking commando who magdumps every god-damn time he sees an FP. As an example 'classic' sharpshooter style is very difficult to run as most of the eejits you're playing with can't be trusted to keep the trash off you while you line up that scrake for a headshot. It isn't a criticism of playing medic, it's more that most pub players don't appear to understand basic KF meta anymore to the point a lot of potentially viable pub team compositions other than zerk/medic combo chaos are frustrating to keep afloat. A few annoyances remain (sadly the Zed conomy appears to be here to stay) but hats off to Tripwire, things have been significantly improved overall.

all supports/demos can supply ammo/grenades respectively as a standard ability. There are also some other quality of life changes with the perks e.g.

Bearing in mind I haven't touched the game in over a year it seems to be in a pretty good state now.